Anxiety is a normal part of life and can help you to prepare for many important situations. However if this worry becomes constant it can feel all consuming as if it is dominating much of your life. Whether you have had anxiety for a long time and whether or not you know the cause I can help you.
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Smoking Cessation
If you’ve tried to give up smoking before without success it’s probably because you’ve relied mainly on willpower. Will power is governed by the conscious mind which is the logical thinking part of the mind. However it is the subconscious mind which is responsible for our habits and behaviours. Therefore any desired changes need to be made at a subconscious level.
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Weight Management
Dieting works at a conscious level; you make a conscious decision to redefine your eating habits and then try to follow a particular programme to restrict your food intake in some way. However the subconscious part of your mind still finds the forbidden foods desirable. This means that temptation is really strong eventually persuading you to give in.
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You may have tried to make changes in the past and been unsuccessful. The main reason for this is that you have made the decisions to change on a conscious level.
However it is your subconscious mind which is responsible for your habits, behaviours and beliefs. Changing your mindset at this level can bring about profound and long lasting changes.
Once the conscious mind switches off the gentle relaxation of hypnotherapy works at a subconscious level. Here you will be able to: